TC18-Newsletter-February 2004



1. Professor Azriel Rosenfeld 

2. Announcements for DGCI'2005, ISMM'2005 et GbR'2005

3. Report DGCI2003

4. Miscellaneous


1. Professor  Azriel Rosenfeld.

We are sorry to inform you all that Prof. Azriel Rosenfeld passed away
on  February 21,  2004.  Azriel   was  one of   the most distinguished
members of the UMIACS  and CS faculty  and a pioneer  in the field  of
computer vision.  He will be sorely missed. 

2. Announcements

  Busy spring for the Discrete Geometry community in France:

    - April 13-15,  12th International Conference on Discrete Geometry
    for  Computer  Imagery,  Poitiers,  France.    This conference  is
    organized by Eric Andres, Pascal  Lienhardt and Guillaume  Damiand
    (Signal, Images and Communication  Laboratory). Paper submission 1
    October 2004.

    - April 18-20, International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology,
    Paris, France,  organized by Christian  Ronse,  Laurent Najman and
    Etienne  Decencière  Ferrandière.  Paper  submission  10 September

    -   April  11-13,    5rd   IAPR-TC-15 Workshop    on   Graph-based
    Representations  in   Pattern   Recognition,   Poitiers,   France,
    organized by Luc Brun and Mario Vento.  Paper submission 1 October

3. Report DGCI 2003

A report  on  the  DGCI  2003  conference  have  been written   by  A.
Montanvert.  The complete text can be found  on the TC18 website (News
or Events sections).

See :

4. Miscellaneous

 - Website structure: we have combined the  "Image and code data base"
 branch of the website (hosted at the University of Lyon2) to the main
 TC18 website at Uppsala.  Please  update your bookmarks if they point
 at these pages.

 - News on the  "Image and code  data base" repository: new 3d  binary
 images (given by E.  Remy) and  a library to manipulate bitmap images
 of dimension 2 to 4 (thanks to E. Thiel).

David Coeurjolly
Last modified: Mon Feb 23 11:04:03 CET 2004