TC18 "Discrete Geometry" Newsletter (February 2011, version 2) ============================================================== Contents: ========= 1. DGCI 2011 in Nancy 2. Call for Proposals: DGCI 2012 in your Department ? 3. Report from WADGMM 2010 Appendix: DGCI Steering Committee Guidelines for DGCI Organization ===================================================== 1) DGCI 2011 in Nancy ------------------------ 6-8 April 2011 Nancy, France Dead-line for ealy registration: 21 February 2011; Some useful links: - Registration: - Scientific Program: - Accommodations: During the conference, a TC18 Meeting will be scheduled to exchange on the TC18 activities and its future. For example, TC chairs should be changed by Dec. 2012 during the ICPR conference. The TC18 meeting is definitely a good place to discuss about that. 2) Call for Proposals: DGCI 2012 in your Department ? ----------------------------------------------------- In Nancy, the DGCI Steering Committee will decide and announce the location of the next edition. Before that, proposals should be set up and the TC18 aims at helping researchers on this step. Please have a look to the following appendix written by the DGCI Steering Committee for details. You can also find some information on the past editions here: 3) First Workshop on Applications of Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (WADGMM 2010) ---------------------------------------------------------- On August 22, 2010, the first WADGMM workshop took place, prior to ICPR2010 in Istanbul. The workshop was specifically aimed at promoting interchange and collaboration between experts in discrete geometry and mathematical morphology and potential users of these methods from other fields of image analysis and pattern recognition. In particular, the topics included: - Efficient and theoretically proven representations for image segmentation etc - Fast and accurate algorithms to extract topological and geometric features - Connections between discrete geometry/mathematical morphology and other fields of pattern recognition (optimization, statistics, machine learning etc) - Parallelization (cluster-based, GPU-based) - Application to higher-dimensional data with emphasis on biomedical and remote sensing applications (3D, multi-temporal, multi-sensor, multi/hyper-spectral data) The workshop attracted over 40 participants. There were four invited talks, by David Coeurjolly (LIRIS - Lyon), Jacques-Oliver Lachaud (LAMA-Chambery), Peer Stelldinger (University of Hamburg), and a duo-talk by Laurent Najman (ESIEE Marne-la-Vallee) and Pierre Soille (JRC Ispra). Authors contributed a 5-page manuscript describing their work, and present the work in one of the two poster and demo sessions. Out of 22 submissions, 18 contributions were selected for presentation after peer-review. Proceedings are available for download at . Extended versions of selected WADGMM contributions will appear as a volume in the Springer LNCS series. The workshop was an enjoyable event, with interesting lectures and poster presentations, and ample discussion. Appendix: DGCI Steering Committee Guidelines for DGCI Organization ------------------------------------------------------------------ Guidelines for DGCI organization and on how to prepare a DGCI proposal DGCI editions ============= DGCI is a IAPR conference, so DGCI follows most of the IAPR rules. Information on the past editions can be found on: Submission of proposals to organize a DGCI conference ===================================================== The proposal must contain information on: - the venue (city and conference hall), main access and transportation alternatives, and accommodation; - the organizing University, laboratory/department, and research team; - proposed dates (conference dates and deadlines); - financial plan, including preliminary registration fees; - program outline, scientific policy, suggestions for invited speakers; - conference, program, and other chairs; - any other important information. Proposals should be sent to the Steering Committee members (, at least two weeks before the upcoming DGCI. The winning proposal for the next DGCI is selected by the Steering Committee during the current one, and announced to the participants before the end of the conference. DGCI committees =============== Steering committee: It is composed of a few permanent people completed by the main organisers of several previous DGCIs (one for each) and by the chair (or vice-chair) of TC18-IAPR. It is headed by a president who is a main contact for the current organising committee. Organising committees: It is already well defined during the proposal to organise. It must prepare and send the call for paper, complete the Program Committee and the Reviewing Committee (see Reviewing Process), organise the reviewing process following DGCI rules, prepare the Proceedings (see below), and finally the conference itself. These steps are processed in relation with the Steering Committee. Organisation ============ DGCI is a three day event. Usually, there is one invited lecturer per day. The whole conference is organised as single track, with one or two poster sessions. The poster sessions should be considered as regular sessions, that is, they should not be held at the same time as oral sessions. The organisers should provide a meeting place for the Steering Committee the day before the main social event of the conference. The organisers should also provide a meeting place and time for the TC18 members. Frequency ========= DGCI is organised every 18 months. This frequency assures that the scientific community can provide new results, while a PhD student can attend two editions. It also provides some flexibility for the organizers to find convenient dates. Consequently next DGCI (the 17th) should be organised during autumn 2012. Other conferences ================= When deciding the DGCI dates, information about related conferences, for example ISMM, IWCIA, must be taken into account. Information on dates should be acquired by early exchanges between Steering Committee or organizers. Venue ===== The current tradition is to hold every other DGCI in France and to hold the others outside France. The Spring DGCIs have been held in France and the Autumn ones outside. Of course, the field of interest of IAPR-TC18 is worldwide, not limited to Europe. Costs ===== The main purpose of DGCI is to gather together researchers active in the field. Therefore travelling expenses and hotel costs must not be prohibitive, and cheap alternative for participants on a limited budget should be available. This is really more important than finding a touristically attractive spot! It is also important to have low registration fees for PhD students. Proceedings and Special issues ============================== All accepted papers should be treated equally in the DGCI proceedings, independently of if the presentation is oral or poster. The choice of presentation mode depends on suitability, rather than on perceived quality. Proceedings are traditionally published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. Extended versions of papers selected by the Steering Committee can be published in special issues of one or two journals, proposed by the organisers (of course contacts must be taken several months in advance). Reviewing process ================= For each main DGCI topic, one or two persons are selected to form a Program Committee. Each DGCI submission is reviewed by at least two (usually three) members of the Reviewing Committee. Program Committee members will provide reviewing reports for papers dealing with their associated topics in case of disagreement between reviewers. Submissions from the Organizing Committee are handled by an independent process. During the main steps of the reviewing process, the Steering Committee is kept informed. Items for useful discussions are: acceptance rate, session topics, etc.